Thursday, November 30, 2006

linuxed !!

Joblessly sittin and watchin tv post mindnight. Thought id might as well spend the sleepless night and do somethin productive. Rbered that i got the ubuntu media a few days back. Ok, good thing to start off with. did the needed partitions and linuxed the lappy. Its 2am now and all excided. It came with OpenOffice as well, neat, but missed the windows fonts, but no issues, simple solution ..
sudo apt-get install msttcorefontscd /homewget
tar -xvjpf fontconfig.tbz

ok.. done, and now thought id set up the networking , figgerd out that ubuntu is built on Debian. now i have no clue as to where to start fiddling arnd, so ditched that and reserved it for the last. All devices were funtioning fine and so was yappy.

remote logged into the office, xterm, clearcase, clearmake .. eyerythin works. cool.. and then ...

% make love
Make: Don't know how to make love. Stop.

crashed into bed. eod.