Sunday, July 27, 2008

ATAD #6 - Specifying Networking Options

The /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ contains configuration scripts for each network interface, and its important not to confuse this with the /etc/sysconfig/networking/ directory that is used by the Network Administration Tool (system-config-network) whose contents should _not_ be edited manually. Each NIC has its corresponding configuration file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth(x) which allows the administrator to control the functioning of each interface individually.

Two or more network interfaces can be coupled to act as one to increase bandwidth and provide redundancy by creating a bonding interface using the bonding kernel module . Bonding options can be specified in the kernel module's configuration file /etc/modprobe.conf, but however IMHO it seems better organized to use the bonding device's own configuration file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond(n) instead.

A nice thing to know while changing the speed or duplex settings is that it requires disabling autonegotiation. This needs to be stated first, as the option entries are order-dependent in the ETHTOOL_OPTS= configuration parameter.

ETHTOOL_OPTS="autoneg off speed 1000 duplex full"

Furthur reading: ethtool, modprobe.conf



Ram Subramanian said...

this is painful, i think i am beyond a level where i can read about this stuff when i am not working

Vinay said...

oops sorry, i guess thats what happens when i put in too much information in one post. and that is largely because i skipped posting on weekends, so got this feeling that i had to make up for the missing posts ;D

crux of this matter is that the networking scrips are under /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ :)